The Oracle Sphere Page 8
“Which direction are we going?” whispered Tureis.
Seth just motioned and opened the door leading from the bakery into the back of the kitchen. Looking around, they found it was empty for the night. Seth exited the closet and moved toward the door that led to the outside of the castle and into the inner courtyard. Opening the outer door just a crack, Seth peered out, looking side to side for any guards that might be patrolling the area. Seeing that the area was empty he opened the door and they emerged from the kitchen quietly closing the door behind them.
They stood hidden in the shadows of the alcove in front of the door. All along the castle wall was a series of alcoves and doors that led into the courtyard from different areas in the castle. Right now they were located towards the back of the castle on the west wall. The stocks were usually located in a large open area towards the front corner in the middle of the courtyard. This area was also the location of many shops. The blacksmith was in the corner along the outer wall of the courtyard. The butcher was on one side of the blacksmith and on the other side was located the tack shop and a fruit and flower stand.
Next to these shops stood a small shack, which housed the guards that operated the large gate. Tonight the gate was closed and three guards were standing behind it at the entrance to the castle. Seth peered around the edge of the alcove and saw no guards. He motioned for the others to follow and together they moved along the castle wall to the next alcove and ducked inside. There was another door in this alcove as well. Seth placed his ear up to the door and all was quiet.
Two guards were making their rounds along the top of the outer wall. They shrunk back into the shadows, deep into the alcove and waited for the guards to pass. When the guards passed, the three of them silently moved along the castle wall again ducking into the next alcove. As soon as they found the safety of the darkness in the alcove they heard voices just around the corner from them. “Ay there Braon. Figured one day I’d see you in the stocks, you miserable rat,” one of the guards from the gate said.
“You’re just mad because I gave you night gate duty,” Braon said.
“I didn’t deserve it neither!” exclaimed the angry guard. “I’d been a good guard for a long time. I hate gate duty!” He took a breath, calmed down and spoke quietly into Braon’s ear, “Well, you got what ye deserved.” He spat on Braon’s head and stepped back.
Again, Seth peered around the alcove and saw all three guards walking around Braon. They all mumbled things to him, spat on him, and a few times they even slapped him.
“How are we going to get them to leave so we can get to Braon?” asked Ailish.
Tureis placed his hand into his pocket hoping for the guidance the sphere could provide. But when his hand entered his pocket, nothing was there. Frantically, he searched the pocket over and over to no avail. He ran his hands into all his pockets, but still he couldn’t find the sphere. Where could it be? He remembered checking for the sphere before they left and it was in his pocket where it was supposed to be. But where had the sphere gone? Had he lost it? What would he do? How would they be led? What if they got caught? All these questions and more were going through his mind at once.
Tureis took a deep breath; this was not the time to panic. He had been in situations before that were tougher than this. Sure, he had his sphere to help him out those times, but he knew he could figure this out. He just had to stay calm.
Tureis took another deep breath, “Can you get me closer to them?” He had an idea but they were too far away to ensure it would work. Currently they were about thirty feet away from the guards and the stocks. There was another alcove about twenty feet away. If he could to get to that alcove he felt he’d have a chance of getting the guards to move.
“Can we get to that next alcove?” Tureis asked in a whisper.
“I think so,” said Seth and he looked around the corner again. Almost immediately he motioned with his hand and disappeared around the corner. Tureis and Ailish quickly followed behind. Safe in the next alcove, they huddled back in the shadows as to not be seen. “How’s this?” whispered Seth.
Carefully, Tureis looked around the corner. The guards were still milling about, talking to and cursing at Braon. Tureis came back to the shadows, “I think it will work. They’re a bit of a distance away so I’ll need to really focus. Let me know if anyone approaches.”
Tureis moved back to the corner and leaned his back against the wall. He bowed his head, placing his fingers on his forehead, and took a deep breath. As soon as he relaxed, his mind began searching for the thoughts and feelings of the guards.
The first thoughts he came upon were not what he expected. The thoughts were clear and organized, with direction and purpose. To Tureis, this didn’t seem like the thoughts of a guard. He continued to probe deeper into the thoughts. He saw calmness and panic, order and confusion, peace and turmoil. Clearly these were the thoughts of someone conflicted. As he probed deeper...and deeper...something became clear.
Tureis jerked his head up with a start and gasped. He covered his mouth and bent over, nearly collapsing. Ailish and Seth each grabbed an arm and helped him back up. For a few tense seconds, they listened for any sounds of running guards. Hearing nothing they looked back at Tureis, “What happened?” whispered Ailish.
“I don’t know.” answered Tureis. He was leaning in the corner and breathing heavily. “I was in Braon’s thoughts when I saw something. I can’t explain what it was just a feeling mostly. Then I was shut out of his mind. I’ve never had that happen before.”
“Are you ok? Is this going to work? Do we need another plan?” whispered Seth.
“I’m alright. Give me another try,” insisted Tureis.
This time Tureis walked out of the shadows to the corner and leaned up against the wall. He took several breaths and lowered his head. As his thoughts reached out he came upon the same feelings again and was immediately shut out. He thought it strange that someone could sense him and could shut him out so quickly and effectively.
He concentrated and continued to search. Within moments he came upon some feelings that were full of anger and bitterness. The thoughts seemed to be scattered and disorganized. Tureis realized this must be one of the guards. As he expanded his search he located similar feelings and determined he must have found the other two guards.
Tureis had never before connected with more than one person at a time. Whatever he suggested would have to be simple, he thought. He didn’t know if he would have enough energy to keep this up for too long. Tureis thought of what he could suggest to the guards that would get them to leave. The first thought that came to him would have to work. He focused on all three guards, suggesting pain, extreme discomfort and a sense of urgency.
“I don’t feel so good,” said one guard
“Me either,” said a second guard.
Without saying anything, the third guard broke into a panic filled run straight toward the guards shack. The other two took off right behind him, shouting. Tureis took a deep breath and looked up. He was still leaning against the wall and feeling weak. “You better get moving,” he said between deep breaths. “You won’t have long. I’ll wait here and rest for a minute. I’ll be ready when you get back.”
They took off running around the corner straight toward Braon. They paused as they approached him and stole a quick glance at the guard shack. Seeing there was no movement, they continued up to Braon.
“Hey there,” said Ailish.
Braon looked up surprised. “What are you doing here?” Braon asked in a whisper.
“Getting you out of here,” said Seth.
“Yeah. This isn’t right. You shouldn’t be in here.” said Ailish.
Seth went to work examining the stocks. Lucky for them, Braon was only placed in stocks reserved for minor offenses. These weren’t as heavily made as those reserved for criminals of a m
ore serious nature.
The stocks had a sturdy base planted in the ground. A thick wooden post came up from the ground on the outside of the stock. From the post extended two large jaws with a hole for each hand and one large hole for a person’s neck. The two jaws were connected with a hinge at one end and a lock on the other.
Braon was a large man and the stocks fit snug over his wrists and neck. However, the stocks were tall enough that it allowed him to stand with only a mild hunch to his back. “I meant what are you doing?” Braon asked. “If you get caught they will kill you for treason. Even you, Seth. You’ll get severely punished and maybe even killed!”
Seth wasn’t listening, he was busy examining the lock holding the jaws together. He set his bag down and opened the top. He removed a very small wire and bent it in half. He inserted both halves of the wire into the lock, closed his eyes and gently moved the ends of the wire back and forth. Almost immediately the lock snapped open and the jaws of the stock began to raise. Braon stood up and stretched for a brief moment “We need to get out of here,” said Seth.
“Come on. This way,” whispered Ailish.
She led them back to the alcove where Tureis was waiting. He was thoroughly searching his bag for the missing sphere. When they arrived, Tureis picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. He was full of frustration at the loss of the sphere, but he was ready to go.
Seth caught up to them and entered the alcove. “Let’s go before they realize he’s gone and come looking for us,” he said. Without waiting for a reply Seth turned, looked around the corner of the alcove and disappeared. The others followed. They quickly made it to the door into the kitchen. As Seth opened the door, the hinges made a very loud squeak.
“Hey! Who’s there?” shouted a guard from the top of the wall.
Immediately, guards began running toward the sound. “Over there, by the kitchen!” another guard shouted from the wall. The commotion seemed to rouse the guards in the shack and they quickly came around the corner, running toward the group of fleeing people. Seth didn’t wait to see who was coming after him as he threw the door open and ran back into the kitchen. The rest of the group followed close behind.
“Quick! Hurry! Into the pantry,” said Seth.
The guards were getting closer to the door. The group moved as fast as they could across the floor in the near dark toward the baker’s pantry. Tureis brought up the rear. As he was entering the pantry, Tureis heard the guards from the shack enter the alcove.
Tureis ran through the door and Seth quickly shut the door behind him. All of them had made it into the room without being seen. They all stood still, breathing heavily. Seth turned with a finger to his lips and gave a quiet, “Shhh!”
They fell silent. Seth turned back to the door and placed his ear against it to hear the commotion outside. He placed his hand on the door over the lock, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a minute of trying to manipulate the lock, he opened his eyes and shook his head. More sounds came from the kitchen on the other side of the door and Seth placed an ear to the door again and listened.
When the commotion outside died down Seth placed his hand over the lock a second time, closed his eyes and took some deep breaths. After a brief moment a very quiet, “click,” was heard by everyone in the pantry. Seth backed away from the door into the back of the pantry with the rest of the group. “What did you do?” Ailish asked in a very quiet whisper.
Seth leaned down and whispered into her ear, “Locked the door.”
All of a sudden a loud rattle sounded and the door to the pantry shook violently. The guards were going through the kitchen and systematically trying and opening all the doors searching for them. After repeated attempts to open the door the shaking finally stopped and the guards moved on.
A minute later Braon whispered, “I don’t hear anybody out there any longer. Normal protocol would have them move together to check another location. Should be safe to move.”
Slowly, they all got to their feet. Seth moved over and opened the door to the cellar. He moved down the steps into the extreme darkness. Braon followed next, then Ailish with Turis in the rear. Tureis silently closed the door behind them and continued into the darkness.
Together, they worked their way across the room to the outer door. They stopped and Seth retrieved the key from the ledge above the door. Before Seth could unlock the door, Braon placed his hand on Seth’s arm and whispered, “Not yet. They’ll be searching the forest around the castle for a while longer. We should wait.”
Tureis sat down against the wall and placed his bag on the floor. Then he opened his bag and searched it once more, hoping to find the sphere. If there was ever a time he could use its help, it was now. How had they gotten this far without being caught? They had been very lucky. If there were guards out in the forest searching for them, they needed to know which way to go to avoid them. Tureis continued searching through his bag and the pockets in his cloak with no luck.
“What are you looking for?” asked Ailish.
“Oh nothing. Just something I misplaced.” said Tureis. He finally gave up searching and packed the gear back into his bag.
“Since we’ll be waiting here for a while, I just wanted to say thanks for rescuing me,” Braon said. “I owe you all a great debt.”
“We didn’t think it was right what they did to you,” Ailish responded.
“I must admit, I was rather surprised myself,” said Braon.
“So, we must know...did you do what they said you did?” asked Seth directly.
“What did they say I did?” asked Braon.
“They said you stole the king’s horse and went for a ride around the courtyard, then tied it up at the blacksmiths and went to sleep in the woodpile,” said Ailish.
Braon stood up and took a few steps into the dark, thinking about what Ailish said. He returned rubbing his chin and staring at the ground thinking, “All I remember about that night is having a couple drinks with Emron and walking towards home. I woke up in the woodpile, but I don’t know how I got there.”
Braon sat back down shaking his head. “I can’t imagine ever doing something like that,” he said quietly almost as if to himself.
“We knew it,” said Ailish.
“You’ve been such a good friend over the years, we just couldn’t see you being treated that way,” said Tureis.
“I tried to tell Emmett that same thing and he just asked me how else I could explain waking up in the wood pile,” said Braon. “I really had no idea. He said since there was no proof I was set up, then I must’ve done it.”
“Well, you’re out now,” said Seth.
“Yeah. Question is, where to go?” asked Tureis.
“Why do you say that?” asked Ailish.
“He can’t very well stay here,” said Tureis. “Do you have anyplace you can go?”
“I think I will go to Kurith,” said Braon. “I have a friend there that’s a blacksmith and a former member of the King’s Guard. I can stay with him.”
They sat back again on the wall and rested, all the while listening for any sound of the Guard getting close.
“What do ya think?” Seth asked Tureis after several hours. “We’ve waited for most of the night and It’s going to be light in a couple hours. I think we should get going.”
“Yeah, I guess,” responded Tureis. Tureis was very unsure of himself. What he wouldn’t give to have his sphere with him right now.
“I agree,” said Braon. “We do need to get going if we’re to get away from here in the dark.”
“Ok then. Let’s go,” said Seth.
Chapter 8
- Banished -
Slowly, Seth cracked open the door and looked out. He saw no one, and heard nothing. Carefully, he opened the door further and they all exited the castle.
Seth closed and locked the door behind them and replaced the key inside the hollow of the tree. They quickly moved into the forest and took cover behind some trees. Braon moved outside the trees slightly, surveying their surroundings. There was no movement in the woods and no guards visible on top of the wall.
Seth took the lead and headed back around the castle, toward the river. They stayed further inside the forest this time so they could better avoid anyone approaching. Moving quickly, they made their way toward the river. Tureis stayed in the rear, periodically turning around to check behind them, making sure no one suddenly appeared. He also continued to search his pockets, hoping he would somehow feel the sphere, but it was not to be.
He was happy to follow Seth and valued him as a friend, but Seth tended to follow his gut without any thought of what was going on around him. He could be like like a bull in a chicken coop; somehow got inside, but not sure what to do now that he’s there except destroy the place. Where Seth was impulsive and bold, Tureis was careful and calculated. Because of this, they worked well together. Tureis just hoped Seth knew where he was going, because Tureis was truly lost, especially without the sphere.
As they moved along, further away from the castle and deeper into the forest, Tureis became even more turned around. It was still dark and the castle was no longer in view. As they walked, Tureis continued looking around and behind them, but nothing looked familiar.
“Hey! Seth!” Tureis said in a muted shout. “Where are we?” They stopped walking for a minute and gathered around.
“Do you know where we are?” asked Tureis.
Seth looked around and then pointed. “The river is over there. I just figured we should get further into the forest to better avoid the Guard.”
“Are you sure?” asked Ailish. “Maybe I’m turned around, but it seems like the river should be over there.” She pointed in a direction opposite of Seth.